Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Trinity question?

So I was thinking the other day. . . .

Do you think that when God created the Heavens and the Earth in Genesis 1:1. . . was there a Trinity or was it just God? I wonder if the Trinity was created only because of man. . . Jesus to be our savior and the Holy Spirit to be with us once Jesus ascended back to Heaven. Please avoid the really lame answer of "God had that planned out the whole time because He knew what would happen with man." I am not asking if God had this planned out. In the words of our President, "lets be clear" was there a Trinity when God first created man or was it just God. Also, don't give me the lame answer of "God is the Trinity and the Trinity is God" or any other lame answers you can think of so that we can be vague and not have to think about the tough and sometimes uncomfortable stuff. I just wonder if God had to create the Trinity because man screwed up worse than He thought we would.. . . . .


  1. "God is the Trinity and the Trinity is God." Not sure how that's lame brother. It just is what it is. God is Father, Son, Holy Spirit. To understand God is any other way is to break from the Christian understanding of God. Consider John 1:1. "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God." Jesus has always been there. Also, the Holy Spirit has always been there as has the Father. To say that any were created by the other is to say that they are lesser and as such not God. That's my two cents. You should watch "Everything is Spiritual" by Rob Bell. Some good stuff on there concerning some similar stuff.

  2. I think the bible says, Let us make man in our own image. The "us" and "our" words seem to indicate the trinity. However...who knows what it said in the original Greek...and after all...it was a text that was told for generations before it was ever actually written down. I've always thought of the Old Testament as a story/letter of God's love to his creation and not a text to be read as a history book with exact dates and precise accounts. But to answer your original question in one word: Trinity.

    Hugs and Kisses,


  3. So here is a couple scriptures I found interesting, and maybe good to look at:

    Genesis 1:26-Then God said "Let us make man in our own image. . . "
    Genesis 1:27-So God created man in his own image, ..."

    A couple thoughts: (1) Why is the God reference in these 2 verses in lower case? I don't remember seeing God referenced in lower case anywhere else in the Bible. (2) Gen 1:26 refers to God in plural form but Gen 1:27 refers to God in singular form??

  4. another verse to look at:

    I Corinthians 8:6-yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.

    3 observations I have made:

    1. God(Father) vs. Lord(Jesus Christ)

    2. "from whom all things came"(God, Father) vs. "through whom all things came" (Lord, Jesus Christ)

    3. "for whom we live" (God, Father) vs. "through whom we live" (Lord, Jesus Christ)

    Interesting here to break down the words of the scripture or at least interesting to me anyways.

    Looking at #3, I wonder if the "for whom we live" refers to the very point of mans creation so that God could have relationship? The idea that we live for God because that is why we were created.
    and "through whom we live" referring to the fact that we could not live (in a spiritual sense) without the death and resurrection of Jesus.

    not sure on #1 or 2 though. . . I will have to ponder this one a bit more.

  5. Well, there are numerous directions we could go to answer this one, but I am going to speak in a more general sense. Getting specific would be way too tedious. I must echo Lee's sentiments in that the Bible as a whole is a story. It is primarily a theological document. That is not to say say that it is not historical or even scientific, but the goal is theology (God-talk). It is also true that we (those on this blog) can't read the original Hebrew (OT) or Greek (NT)(that I am aware of). A lot of the grammer rules that are so crucial to us weren't such to them. The key thing to recognize is the Bible is a whole text. To start isolating verses makes things very difficult. Each verse is contained within a larger body of work. The key is to recognize the totality of Scripture and look in that way what is said of the Trinity or anything else for that matter.

  6. i would have to agree with landon on this one that the trinity is what it is. if we are to buy the idea of a triune God then we cannot dismiss that Gods omnipresence cannot be limited to only one of the three. i know you said you didnt want that answer. im a bad brother in law.

  7. I guess we don't know. In theory maybe 10 zillion years ago maybe God decide He wanted to show Himself in a different way. In that sense he didn't create a new God ..just a new side of himself.
